Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Aucklanders Need Driving Lessons

Apparently 31 people have died in auto accidents in this city since the beginning of December. Auckland police are urging people to "STOP DRIVING LIKE IDIOTS."

In other news, Kiwis think Donald Rumsfeld is a complete mang. In other words, the opposite of intelligent, rational, compassionate, funny and good-looking. The NZ Herald seems to think Iraq would be a much happier place if Rummy would have gone into a more suitable field, such as plumbing (maybe not, as the guy seems to have trouble fixing things). I'm glad we're on the same page here, this gives me a bit of confidence in the kiwis, despite thier atrocious driving skills. RUMMY QUOTE OF THE DAY: (after that nasty Abu Gharabalab prison thing) "Stuff happens in war sometimes." That's truth kids, write that down...

BACK TO ME. I've been a bit sick lately so things have been slow. Got back into it today to much complaint from my achey legs and weak lungs. Andy's birthday was yesterday, so tonight we're heading out on the town. "What?" you may ask. "Why go out on a Wednesday?" Aucklanders were never quite satisfied with just one weekend, so they've created Friday Night 2 (otherwise known as Wednesday). Works continues on Thursday, but productivity must not be a big deal, one guy at a coffee shop calls it "New Zealand's answer to the Spanish Siesta." Sounds super duper to me, I'm sending a letter to my local congressman ("screw global warming, saving wales and all that deficit crap, I want another Friday"). DT


piglet said...

Hope you feel better. Take vitamins. Don't smoke drugs. And be careful out there. And thank God you're not in one of those tents in Iraq that Rummy issued to keep the bombs out.

David Godfrey said...

Yeah, listen to piglet.