You know how when anyone ever leaves home for a while, they always say "the first thing I do when I get home is *blank*"? First thing I do when I get home (after planting a big wet one on Jenny) is go directly to Stumptown, order up a couple Esspressos and enjoy a good coffee again. That's my one complaint about this place. The coffee is horrible. Comes out of a machine. You have to drink three cups of it to equal one Stumpy's. Yeah I know, they're trying to ween me off the bean so to speak, but I'm not going without a fight.
Speaking of coffee. The kitchen here is pretty funny. You have 5 or 6 choices of main dish at every meal with all the works. Thing is, everything has a sign above it that announces what you're eating. The page also lists the exact caloric content, fat content, saturated fat, protein, cholesterol, etc. At the top of the page, under a Olympic logo, is the phrase "every athlete has a dream, and every choice makes a difference." On every food choice. Come on. All I want right now is some ice cream and you're making me feel guilty about it. Jerks.
Sexy Selfies
9 years ago
Ping Pong Says "Eating is cheating".
But seriously, while you're doing 6 workouts a day, Jimmy and I are drinking beers at Tabor.
Livin' the dream.
OK, this one is better. Disregard previous post.
WHAT? you didn't bring any coffee with you? Not even some team rubicon blend? What's rule #1? Dean, look at me, what is rule number one? Anytime you travel east of 82nd ave. BRING YOUR OWN COFFEE!
I say wait a few more days and see if he will trade the new bontrager carbons for a frensh press and some ground coffee.
Send us your address, we'll prep french press, stumptown, and a gallon of willamette river water for fedex overnight. gotta keep it local. I know how much the black gold helps your mental well being. stay stong DT, stay strong.
how bout you harden the fuck up!!!!!
from one skinny white boy to another.....haha fucker
do it twilley, the address is One Olympic Plaza, Colorado Springs CO, attn: The Whitest Guy On The Block.
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